Lack of sleep – what can you do about it?
The answer seems obvious: “sleep more”. But in reality, the solution is not so simple. The causes of sleep disorders and lack of sleep are more profound.
by mey 02/11/2021
Is healthy sleep even possible anymore in modern times?
Our modern lifestyles in the age of emails, internet, smartphones/watches and streaming services have changed our mindset to one of constant availability. Meanwhile, a constant stream of media, news and distractions has made us all the more agitated and restless.
This is reflected in our sleeping habits, among other things. Here, a drastic transformation has taken place, especially in recent decades; approximately 25% of the world’s population is now affected by a lack of sleep.

Are you tired before you even get to work, or can you simply not concentrate properly anymore? Then you may be among those people who get too little sleep.

80% of working professionals
in Europe suffer from restless nights and sleep disturbances.

34 million people
in Germany long for better, more refreshing sleep.

Two in every four adults
are not doing anything about their sleep problems, but desperately want help.
What are the symptoms of too little sleep?

Hormonal imbalance

Risk of heart disease

Sick days from work

Memory problems
Premium quality pyjamas
How does lack of sleep affect your health?
Lack of sleep can have profound effects on the human body and cause or exacerbate far-reaching health risks.
- Without enough sleep, the cardiovascular system is placed under increased long-term stress. This increases the risk of heart disease.
- Lack of consistent sleeping and waking cycles disrupts the body’s natural daily rhythm. As a result, the body gets stuck in “survival mode”. This can lead to excess weight and high blood pressure.
- Inconsistencies in your diet can also lead to elevated blood sugar levels and increase your risk of diabetes.
- The immune system is weakened, meaning you are more likely to become sick. Especially in the winter, you are more likely to catch the flu.

f you are overtired, you will not only miss your train. Your performance and concentration will suffer, the longer you are fatigued. That’s why you should try to get adequate sleep.
How can I sleep better?
Anyone can be affected by lack of sleep or poor sleep at any stage of life. However, if your sleep problems last for a longer time, there are things you can do to get better, more refreshing sleep.
- Try to reduce stress (be it personal, relationship or work-related stress). For example, you might practise meditation or exercise. Meditation helps calm your mind and exercise reduces your body’s energy levels. This helps you fall asleep quicker.
- Pay attention to your diet. Avoid heavy meals in the evenings, as well as alcohol and caffeinated drinks. This will help your body to wind down your metabolism and switch to “sleep mode”.
- Keep devices with a screen out of the bedroom; it should only be used for sleep. Televisions or smartphone are best avoided, as these devices are distracting and prevent you from falling asleep. If you only use the bedroom to sleep, the body gets conditioned to it, making it easier for you to relax simply by entering the room.
If you follow these tips and your sleep still does not improve, you should consult a doctor to discuss further treatment options.

Do you have a regular sleep pattern? If possible, always go to bed and wake up at the same time – yes, even at the weekend. A regular sleep pattern helps your body to sleep well.
The perfect sleep climate
Which external influences increase comfort in the bedroom and help you fall asleep? At Mey, we asked our experts how we could develop our innovative nightwear, and these are our tips for a better sleep experience:
- Men and women should sleep at least seven hours every night in order to feel refreshed the next day. Men usually need less sleep than women.
- Keeping your body a comfortable temperature is very important. This can be controlled by the room temperature, the choice of duvet and the right pyjamas. More information about the different sleep types can be found in our Nightwear Guide.
- When selecting your nightwear, different cuts and materials can make a big difference. For example, pyjamas with COOLMAX® can help prevent heavy sweating.
- The temperature in the bedroom is a vital factor for deep, restorative sleep. A cool temperature between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius is ideal.
- The lighting and noise conditions in the bedroom also play an important role. A dark, quiet room will significantly improve your sleep. Do you live by a busy road? Then try earplugs to get a more peaceful night’s sleep.
Tried everything and still can’t sleep?
The new Zzzleepwear series also features a Spotify code. This code gives you access to our exclusive Mey sleep podcast. On this podcast, a pair of pyjamas tells the story of how it was made – from the cotton field, to the factory in Albstadt, to the store – in an eleven-part bedtime story so boring, it will have you nodding off in no time. An utterly sleep-inducing experience.

Scan the code on your item from the Zzzleepwear series with the Spotify app. This will take you straight to our sleep-inducing podcast about pyjama production at Mey.
Schlechter Schlaf macht sich tagsüber durch unterschiedliche Symptome bemerkbar:
- Bereits beim Aufstehen fühlen Sie sich nicht richtig ausgeruht, sondern schlapp und antriebslos.
- Ihre Augen sind gereizt, brennen oder fühlen sich trocken an. Sie müssen sehr häufig blinzeln.
- Sie haben Kopfschmerzen und/oder können sich schlecht auf ein Thema fokussieren. Die Konzentration leidet.
- Sie frieren recht schnell, sind gereizt und leicht aus dem Konzept zu bringen.
Die Anzeichen für schlechten Schlaf können einzeln oder auch zusammen auftreten. Manche der genannten Probleme lassen sich kurzfristig recht einfach lösen, in dem zum Beispiel Schmerztabletten eingenommen oder Espresso mit viel Koffein getrunken wird. Jedoch löst dies nicht die zugrunde liegenden Probleme.