Washing lace correctly:
what you need to know!

Lace is one of the finest fabrics. However, the finer the fabric, the more care they require when washed. To help you enjoy your lace underwear for a long time to come, we have compiled all the most important rules for you to keep in mind when washing them.

by mey 30/11/2021

Washing lace correctly | mey®

Lace underwear is always a very special highlight. Whether it’s full-lace or just with a few lace details: lace gives our underwear an elegant and sexy look. But while lace looks special, it is extremely delicate in the wash.  

As a rule, you should always read the care label, no matter what you are washing! It will tell you all you need to know about washing your underwear: whether it should be washed in the machine or by hand, at what temperature it can be washed, and how you should dry it, etc. 

Lace can be roughly divided into two categories: lace made of synthetic materials and lace made of natural materials. Generally, lace made of synthetic materials can be washed in the machine. Lace made of natural materials, however, should preferably be carefully washed by hand. 

In addition, you should always sort your underwear by colour before washing it. Separating your laundry into lights and darks is the bare minimum that you should do. However, if possible, you should also wash red underwear separately, as the colour can transfer easily.

Wash lace bras correctly | mey®


If hand-washing is not recommended on the care label, you can wash your lace underwear in the machine. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to make your underwear last as long as possible.

Always wash your lace underwear on a delicates programme, if possible. If your machine does not have a delicates programme, select another programme that is suitable for delicate fabrics, such as the wool programme. 

Wash lace underwear at max. 40 °C. Washing it too hot can negatively affect the fit. In addition, washing at a low temperature is better for the environment.

Never use additional products, such as fabric softener, bleach or stain remover. These can damage the elastane and cause your underwear to wear out.

You should also wash your lace underwear in a mesh bag and close the hooks on bras. That way, they cannot make holes in your laundry.


Sollte auf dem Pflegeetikett die Wäsche per Hand empfohlen werden, sollten Sie sich unbedingt an diese Empfehlung halten. Doch auch bei der Handwäsche kann man nicht wild draufloswaschen. Mit ein paar Tipps und Tricks können Sie auch hier nichts falsch machen.

Geben Sie eine geringe Menge Waschmittel in etwas lauwarmes Wasser. Dort sollten Sie die Lösung einigee Minuten in die Wäsche einwirken lassen. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, dass Sie das Waschmittel auch nicht zu lange einwirken lassen, dies kann zu einer Verformung der Passform führen.

Vermeiden Sie unbedingt jede Form von Rubbeln, Reiben oder Bürsten. So zerstören Sie die empfindliche Spitze, es können sich Risse und Löcher bilden und die Spitze kann beginnen, Pillen zu bilden. Drücken Sie die Wäsche stattdessen lieber immer wieder unter Wasser und lassen Sie sie wieder auftauchen. Auch auf diese schonendere Art und Weise der Reinigung kann sich sämtlicher Schmutz lösen.

Wenn Sie mit der Reinigung fertig sind, waschen Sie die Wäsche unter klarem und kalten Wasser aus. Achtung: Auch beim Entfernen der Feuchtigkeit ist Vorsicht geboten: Vermeiden Sie unbedingt ein Auswringen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Feuchtigkeit lieber aus der Wäsche zu streichen. 

Wash lace slips correctly | mey®

How to dry lace garments correctly

Now that your underwear has been washed, it’s time to dry it. The best way to dry your delicate lace underwear is to air-dry it. Never dry your underwear over a heater, in the sun or in the dryer. Excessive temperatures can cause the fibres to melt, causing your underwear to lose its elasticity, shape and colour. 

Preferably, you should spread your lace underwear on a towel and leave it to dry. Alternatively, you can spread it on a drying rack. However, do not fasten it on one side with a peg. If the underwear is still wet, this can also cause it to become misshapen and lose its fit.

The most important points in summary:

  • Always follow the care instructions on the label
  • Never wash at temperatures above 40 °C
  • When washing in the machine, always select the delicates programme 
  • Use delicate detergent or another mild detergent
  • Do not use fabric softener, bleach or stain remover
  • Do not expose garments to high temperatures